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Terms and Conditions

Qualifications For Registration And Use Of Our Website.

We are very serious here at in presenting you a pleasant and safe venue for buying and selling items online. We will not accept any sort of fraud, scamming, or illegal activity of any sort during your membership and use of this website. Persons engaging in such will be terminated from this and may be subject to criminal prosecution. Below are the legalities we are required to state and which you agree to abide by when registering to bid or sell in this auction:

Article 1. Eligibility of membership - Our auction/selling website is only available to people who are legally able to form binding contracts as the seller or buyer of any item posted to our website.
People who are of under the age of 18 are not eligible for membership. If you do not meet these requirements, you are not eligible to use auction or selling services.

Article 2.'s Online auction and selling platform is only providing a service.
We only provide our services to people interested in selling and buying merchandise via internet auction. We do not have control over the items that are posted for sale or auction on this website and cannot guarantee the authenticity and quality of any product posted by a seller., it’s employees, or third party partners are in no way responsible for the actions taken by any seller/buyer during, or after the sale or auction process conducted on our website or sellers store. We are not responsible for any typographical errors, misprints, loss of merchandise/money, damage or failure of equipment, due to your use of this our site. Use of this site is at your own risk, all content is presented “As-Is.”

Article 3. Bidding and Selling - As a registered user on this website, you may bid on and/or sell merchandise on  As a bidder, you understand that placing a bid on a sellers item is a binding contract between you and the seller, and any bids placed by you cannot be retracted unless due to fault by the sellers typographical error in the items description, or other errors due to human error on the seller's part.
Once you place a bid, and if you win, you will be obligated to buy the product at the said price you made an excepted offer on, or indicated as your bid or buy it now price. Placing a bid on our auction site, and winning, then not paying for the product is illegal in most states, and you could be prosecuted as result.
As a seller, the item that you place up for bids, offers or buy it now, must be real.
Once a bid has been placed or the buy it now option has been used, you are in a binding selling contract with the potential buyer of the product you are offering, if that bid shall be the highest bid. Once the auction is over the reserve price, you are obligated to sell to the potential buyer which has the highest bid on your auction. If your reserve price was not met, you are not obligated in any way to sell this item at all and you may relist your item again. If the item is sold using "buyout", or "made an offer" functions, in both cases you should promptly contact the buyer to discuss terms of payment and shipping option. As a seller, you are not in any way to bid on your own items. If you are caught or reported, your auction will be deleted and your account suspended or terminated.

Article 4. Posting Items - As a user, you are welcome to post items up for auction or sale in your store on's website.
We do have restrictions on what items you may sell, and what you may not sell.
You may not sell illegal merchandise, including pirated software, music, firearms, adult videos/adult novelty sex items, or anything that is affiliated with pornography, etc. Items that are posted for bids are subject to review by the staff of at any time, and may be removed without prior notice or refund of any listing fees if found in violation of this User Agreement

Article 5. Charges - Sellers interested in Posting/Listing an item up for bid or sale or opening your own store on
See Our Fees ).
Registering to use our website is always free at
For buyers, bidding on or buying an item is always free of any site fees.
Do not abuse this privilege.

Article 6. Privacy - We gather your information such as username, profile info to use on our website to help facilitate the buying and selling process. Personal information is not sold, rented, or given out to any 3rd parties without your permission. Personal information sent to a user regarding a product bought or sold on the is not to be used for any other purpose except for communication between members.

Article 7. provides this website in an “as-is” condition, without warranty or condition. is not liable for any damages resulting in an auction or sale during your visit or use of this website.

Suspension or Termination

Here are some things that will get you suspended, terminated, and/or prosecuted:

  • Giving us false information when registering, such as a false name or fraudulent contact information or date of birth.
  • We are against Spam and we respect the privacy of our users. We use “cookies” in order to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and your user account in order to keep track of your wish list, bids placed and so on. No other methods are used to gather personal information about you. We use your e-mail address for contacting both buyers and sellers, and for those who opt in to our newsletter only. Any use of your private information by anyone else is strictly prohibited and we WILL take action.
  • Don't bid or buy unless you intend to be bound by legal contract.
  • Don't offer or sell an item unless you intend to follow through with the winning bidder/buyer.
    (It is illegal in many states for a buyer or seller not honor a transaction/sale or bid.)
  • Don't list items in inappropriate categories just to get additional exposure for your item or for any other reason. Violators of this policy are subject to suspension or termination. If you have something that does not fit any of our categories, please email and request that a category be added to the category list.
  • Sellers are not permitted to bid, or place offers to buy on their own products to artificially raise the selling price. However, if you made a legitimate mistake and started the item too low (and no one has bid on it yet) you may make changes to correct the mistake with in your account dashboard section.
  • Anyone attempting to compromise the safety, security, data integrity, service, or any other part of will be suspended or terminated and WILL face possible legal action. We've worked hard to present this buying and selling platform/opportunity for you and will not allow one or two to ruin it for the many.
  • Anyone attempting to post illegal merchandise, including pirated software and music, firearms, adult videos, any item in any way infringing on a legitimate copyright, or anything that is affiliated with pornography, etc. or placing links within your items listing description, is considered a violation of the above rules. Items that are posted for bids or sale are subject to review by the staff of, and may be removed without prior notice or any refund of listing fees, if found in violation of this User Agreement.

Conditions of Service

  1. acts only as a third party in providing a place for buyers and sellers to buy and sell approved items.
    We have no control over quality, usability, legality, or condition of the items listed on our website for sale or auction. In other words, provides this website in an 'as-is' condition, without a warranty or condition. and it’s employees or third party partners are in no way liable for any damages resulting in any transaction, auction or sale during your visit and use of the website. Furthermore is not responsible nor liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly, indirectly, incidentally, or consequentially by anything on or related to this website.
  2. We at cannot and will not get involved in disputes between users. In the case that you have such a dispute, by registering on this site, you are releasing and its agents, employees, and assignees, and any affiliated companies or individuals from any claims , suspected and unsuspected, whether disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of, or in any way connected to, any disputes. We suggest and expect that users will employee common good business practices and personal courtesy to avoid disputes. If another user has a complaint with you, please establish a polite dialog with him or her to resolve the dispute in order to achieve a mutual satisfactory conclusion. Above all, when buying something from someone, whether on the internet or anywhere else, your best protection is to be an informed buyer. In Latin: Caveat Emptor! The age-old warning of Buyer Beware!
  3. We cannot, and will not, be held responsible for any interruption in service, caused by any means, therefore we cannot guarantee continual, uninterrupted service as our website could be interfered with by means out of our control, power outages, hoisting issues and so on.
  4. The use of a trademark or service mark in your auctions should be capitalized and indicated as such. Since we have no control over items posted on or site, the use of any trademark or service mark in a listing, proper or improper, cannot and should not be construed as affecting the validity of that trademark or service mark.
  5. We reserve the right to remove anyone from this our website at any time for any reason we deem sufficient and with no explanation required.
  6. We will "NOT" tolerate any violations of law or regulations by any member postings, especially those that are libelous, threatening, harassing, or obscene.

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