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Try Our Site Demo

New To eHarley Auction? Let's Get Aquatinted 

If you are like me and can't stand trying to be forced to open an account or login to every site I visit when most of the time I would just like to see what the site is about before deciding to become a member or not and have my personal information and login information on 900 different sites that I will probably never use anyway.

For that reason eHarley Auction has made a demo version of our live site for you to try out and become familiar with.

Login to this interactive "demo version" of our site by using the one of the usernames and passwords to the right of your screen. This demo site is designed to let you jump in and see how everything works and how the functions of a members account works without you having to signup/open an account first.

That said, go ahead and play around on our demo site to your hearts content.

What We Do
Let's Make Online Auctions Fun Again In 2024

Take A Test Drive

See first hand how it all works. Login to the demo version of our live site, Login with one of the usernames and passwords below
username:   Buyer
password:   123456
username:   Seller
password:   123456
When you are done testing the demo version of our website and if you feel what you see is a good fit for you or your company, You can create an account on our live site here., advertising rates and placement.

Contact us here to discuss your advertising needs and pricing.

Learn how to open your own store on our website