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Combine Invoices

The Combine Invoices feature ensures an efficient customer experience. It brings together, in a couple of clicks, all unpaid items from the same seller into one invoice. The feature is available for both sellers and buyers. And, it's rewarding at both ends: sellers don't have to keep contacting users regarding the combination of multiple items, and it ensures a lower shipping fee for the customer.


From the My Sales menu (Home -> Members Area -> Selling -> My Sales), select two (or more) invoices and click Combine:

The pop-up screen will ask to confirm the decision:

Multiple purchases from the same seller will be listed on the next screen:

Important: Sellers can combine purchases only if:

  • Sale Transaction fees are paid
  • Items prices are in the same currency
  • Items are in the same location
  • Items have the same tax charges status (if taxes are enabled)
  • Items have the same pick-up option selected

Note: Sellers can edit from the invoice:

  • Item Price
  • Delivery Address
  • Shipping Method
  • Tax Rate
    and can opt to
  • Apply Insurance

There's also the option to

Lock Editing

When enabled prevents the buyer from editing the invoice


Buyer can Combine Purchases

Buyers can combine purchased items from the same seller into a single invoice.

Important: Only non-invoiced items can be combined.

From the Purchases menu (Home -> Members Area -> Buying -> Purchases) select two or more invoices and click Combine

Buyers can edit from the invoice:, advertising rates and placement.

Contact us here to discuss your advertising needs and pricing.

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