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Seller Settings

From the Global Settings (Home -> Members Area -> Selling -> Seller Tools -> Global Settings) menu, the seller can select to / enable:

Accept Public Questions

If checked, allows site users to post public questions on listings.

Products Quantity Display

Select how to display the quantity field for products:

  • Numbers
  • Text (In StockLow StockOut of Stock)

When selecting Text, complete also the:

Low Stock Threshold

If the quantity of an item is lower than the entered value, the ' low stock' value will be displayed.

Quantity when Relisting Products

With the following options:

  • Remaining quantity or initial quantity if remaining = 0
  • Initial quantity, always
Enable Tax on Listings
Tax Type

Select the tax that will be applied to listings.

Visitors Counter

If checked, will display the 'Item Viewed' box on the listings details pages.

Hide Sales History

Check above to disable the sales history tab on listing details pages.

Display 'Listing watched by' Box

If checked, will display the 'Listing watched by' box on the listing details pages.

Limit Number of Bids / Offers per User

Enter a positive value to limit the number of bids (without proxy bids) and offers a user can make on an auction.

Note: Leave empty to disable the feature.

Automatic Download Links Activation

Select if you wish to automatically activate download links when sales are paid for using direct payment methods. Links can also be activated manually from the My Sales page.

Vacation Mode

If checked, a message will be displayed on all listings informing visitors that the seller is on vacation.

Note: The seller can also set a return date (optional feature)., advertising rates and placement.

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